Mix betwine wireframe and solid view in viewport?

I mean a solid view that display the wireframe but only on the face we are able to see in the solid mode. It will help see the wire more clearly with both all the back wire hided and the high contrast betwine the light grey solid render and the black wireframe.

Is there any add-on or other way to get this view in viewport?

You don’t need any addons for that…
go to the modifiers list and choose “wireframe modifier”
By default this is set to delete your underlying geometry but if you keep the “replace original” option un-ticked you will get exactly what you want.
Just play around with the wire thickness etc till you get the right setting.
You can also have the wire material to be different rom the parent geometry …so you could have a red mesh with a white wireframe on it etc.

Here is a detailed tutorial on the modifier…take a look.


Thx. I’ll try that.

Edit: I looked the tutorial you point at and that’s not realy what I’m after. It will mean add modifier on every object and tweek them one by one when I’m after aditional view option in the viewport. But if what I’m after dont exist it will do.

This viewport render exist in all other 3d software I used so I guessed there was a way to have it in blender. I just tryed make human ( for a non realted reason) and it has this option of render in viewport as the wireframe view.

It will be usefull when I try to get a specific vertex or edge loop in a crowded zone. Especialy when there is as much vertex in the other side of the mesh. The modifier aproche is interesting but take longer than just changing viewport render style.

Object > Display > Wire + Draw all edges.

Thx. Actualy wire is enought.
It’s still a by object system but as a 1 click by object solution, it’s close enought to what I wanted.

Select objects, set the Wire and Right click > Copy to selected. Now all selected objects have Wire.