Mixamo Animation Combination

Hey guys!

I need help because i was trying to combine mixamo animations in nla editor but i am having some issues with them the first animation works fine but the second wich si the goalkeeper diving save does a excessive movement and does not stay in place like the armature that i downloaded i hope i explained everything in the right way by the way i am using blender 4.0

There are many tutorials on YouTube for combining animations…
Here is one of the better ones for animations that don’t start and stop in the same location that should help you…

thanks for your reply but this didn’t helped me because my problem is that in second aniamtion where the character supposed to dive in my case he dives to much far than expected i link the tutorial that i’m trying to follow maybe you understand better what i’m trying to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLfjHzJy2A0

Please can someone help me with problem i’m looking for a solution for a lot of days now but there’s nothing that helped me out there on the internet i watched a lot of tutorials but no solution yet

It’s really hard to say without your file- can you share it?

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https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/715d5voqij54cvfvd8uab/Football-project.blend?rlkey=cp0pfwj7z7crdr7lkzslpycw4&dl=0 This is my blen file please check it out thank you very much

I think it had to do with the Models Prep before you sent it to Mixamo… I couldn’t tell but your Rotation on the Armature in Rest pose is X-90…and the location is 0,0,0 but the scale is .010 XYZ…

Your character on the other hand is -X90 and the location is x-0, y-63.9m, and z -.05 so it leads me to believe that somewhere you didn’t apply scale and rotation…

I re-sent your file to Mixamo re-rigged and grabbed the animations…checked the Save animation…and it works far better

You can see the location now is much closer and looks quite normal…

I would recommend that you start from the Mesh and make sure to apply all transforms…then re-send to Miximo…re-rig and re-download the animations for the fixed character ( the old ones won’t work on the new character…best to re-name or just delete them…)

I found the Video I was thinking of when I sent the link above…go to the section on Teleporting and Sliding…You will need it to make the transition between the Jump Save and the Throw animations…