Mixamo "Unable to map your existing skeleton" problem

When I try to upload my blender character to mixamo, it says “Unable to map your existing skeleton”.
Pls help me as I am trying to find solutions for months.

Your uploaded character shouldn’t have an armature, it should just be a 3D model, not rigged, in A pose :slight_smile:

How can I upload my character file so that you can review it further?

Spending something like 10 minutes (or less ?) in this forum is a precaution against SPAM… so take your time… for example using the search function (top right :mag: ) to find something about rigging human figure or character or how to use rigify ( ← this is a hint :wink: for an addon which could help…)…
…and you will be able to upload something…

…or then your question already will be answered… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: …and if you have a particular problem after this… then properly someone will be able help… maye by just finding/seeing a simple error…

But questions about personal tutorials… well… there are plenty… ( questions like that and tutorials ) also paid ones… if you realy want to learn fast from the pros…

This said:

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