Mixing between HDRI and Sky texture


Something I came across by mistake, may feel very basic but I did not find information about it on the net.

I wanted to combine HDRI with the use of Sky texture for my world - HDRI for a background image, and Sky texture as a light source.

By combining them that the factor is the “is singular ray” port, I could get the result I wanted.

I have no idea why it really works, or if I’m doing something right.
I would love a more in-depth explanation if anyone understands this.




instead of singular ray, use camera ray


can you please explain the technical reason?

ok, so…

Camera ray is 1 if you are looking directly through the camera, 0 if anything else. so, if you’re looking directly at the sky it’s one texture, if it’s a reflection of the sky, or using the sky for lighting, then it’s one texture, if its the camera looking at the sky then it’s the other.

And singular ray…

“Singular: the ray is generated by a perfectly sharp reflection or transmission.” - https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.79/render/cycles/settings/scene/render/light_paths.html

So as well as the camera looking at it, if you have a reflection or refraction when the material that reflects/refracts it has roughness 0 (I think that’s what it means), it will output a 1.

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation,
I will continue to play with it more.