Whoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy shall possess the power of Thor.
Very nice! The texturing is superb!
Thanks a lot.
Pretty cool. I really like the shadow in the background, adds a lot to the composition!
This is actually really solid and tells a story. Well done in all aspects…even the rain which I know is hard to get right:)
Thanks man. I am very bad when it comes to characters but i feel it needed the human element to add something to the story so I went with a cut out silhouette.
Thanks I do feel I could of maybe spent some more time on an environment or comping a better one together though.
Absolutely professional. I would epect this quality of work beeing on posters sold in stores.
Wow thanks man. I would go as far to say its poster quality but it’s definitely appreciated.
Wow �� this is amazing!! Did you add the rain during the modelling stage or did you do it in post processing? Either way this is brilliant!!