Mocap in BGE - Lara Croft Demo

Removed due to legality reasons. - Admin


Just post the .Blend.

Just post the .Blend.

He doesn’t need to.

cool demo but mo cap are unaffordable for most of bleder user…

You’re right. Even though 15% of the BGE community cannot natively support Windows executables, at least we can extract the .blend for ourselves.

BTW, morgade, you should know that it is completely illegal to post a file including a commercial model that you ripped from a game. I am impressed, though, that such a high quality model can run so smoothly in Blender. I hope anyone who downloads the file for educational purposes will learn to stop ripping on the BGE and start making better art.

Oh, and the file is large for several reasons. Poly count on model, and texture file sizes might be bigger contributors than the baked actions, though I’m not sure.

You’re right. Even though 15% of the BGE community cannot natively support Windows executables, at least we can extract the .blend for ourselves.

Yes, but I found a program that can convert ANY exe file into a used an application that works for Mac or Linux. I’ll convert your file for you if you like. (I’m still testing it too. Fopefully it works.)

Sorry about the runtime X .Blend question. I made the big package to send to people who not use Blender and did’nt figured out how dumb is to post it in this forum. Added the .Blend in the topic.

I used the game model just to see the effects of mocap in a not-so-low poly model in GE. I hope no one use it to anything more than educational purposes.

BVH files got from:

Ok, here are some test versions of Mac and Linux converted files.
This is LaraKill Demo in Mac:
[link removed]

This is LaraKill Demo in Linux:
[link removed]

Note: You may need to change the end of the name to your application format. (Example: exe for Windows)

Delta, I’m wary about running a binary on my computer without knowing a bit about the program that you used to convert it. Would you mind linking me to the site for the program you used (PM me if you don’t want to share on the public board)?

To be honest, I’m really skeptical. You can’t just “Convert” a exe into something readable by another operating system. That’s why WINE and such are around. Please, just download the blend I wouldn’t trust any kind of program “Converter”, Let alone with a 3D Application. Even if it was compiled with winelib (Which it wasn’t).

To be on-topic, Very impressive demo for the Blender game engine. Impressive enough for me to look past the model issue, It really shows how nice Blender can be. Mocap is certainly out of my budget, even if there’s a rental mocap studio near by it’s to ridiculous unless you’re developing something commercial.

I’m sorry, but due to the illegal nature of these files I’ve been forced to remove all the links. If you want to do a demo like this, please create your own model or use one that’s in the public domain, thanks.

darn. why do you moderators have to actually moderate? now my fantasy has to wait. sigh
good call, mod. Although I would love just the armature and mocap without the mesh, or with mancandy as the mesh…the mesh really doesn’t matter.