Model a lanyard

I’m trying to model a string using a curve. How do I add more handles so it be easier to change a different shape?

Go into edit mode select 2 or more points.Hit W key to subdivide. Subdivide as many times as needed.

Got it. Thx.

The tube doesn’t align to the curve. How do I fix that?

By making the curve itself a tube, instead of deforming a mesh with it.

I’m not following

Use 3D Fill Full with some Bevel Depth on the guiding curve.


w/ Modifiers used

  • Subdivide (smother curve),
  • Solidify (added thickness of 2mm)
  • Edge Split (sharp edge shade at 30° angle)

Thanks, I’m trying to add a stringed or corded texture. How do I unwrap the uv layout so all the edges are straighten in horizontal. Do I need to do individual vertices to straighten them out?

  • Enable UV’s for the curve before converting, and scale/rotate after, or
  • Unwrap one face, select the rest, follow active quads. Scale afterwards

Thanks, I got it works.

Is there a way to stretch uv map in UV/Image Editor? The texture is elongated.