Started learning blender by watching tutorial and when using the bevel it doesn’t work properly but fix it by using all transformations but then the part of the model I have click completely vanished so any insight would be appreciated.
You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.
What’s “proper” ??
Also which one:
- edit mode bevel Ctrl-B
- bevel modifier
For example for the later: if the vertices/edges are too narrow then there will be no beveling… also non manifold edges will no bevel…
I use both bevel and neither one work and all transformation fix’s it and bevel how I want but then my model disappear after using all transformation so not sure why that happen
I didn’t understand a word… both ? in the same time… what does mean disapear at all… and:
So it works…
…so it isn’t fixed …What means disappear here ??
You may show some screen shots or a file…
Applying all transformations is moving the objects Origin to 0,0,0, and changing the Scale. The object may now be very big or very small.
Use Numpad Del to move the view to the selected object.