Model human body?

Hey, I am pretty new to Blender. I would like to model a human body, though I cannot seem to get it right. I have tried tutorials, though the shape doesn’t seem to come out right. I tried to use a reference, though that also made a strange shape, this could be due to confusion of a 3D world though.
Could anyone point me to a good, straight forward tutorial on making the human body? Or something to get me on track?
Thank you in advance.
Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post in.

organic modeling is a very difficult thing to nail down, and starting with a human would be very difficult and very time consuming if you’re not used to blender yet, there are many tutorials out there for full human modeling, and for individual parts of the body, I would suggest starting with modeling a head, then once you’re happy with that, and everything looks in order and in proportion, move down to the neck, and then to the shoulders, and so on and so forth. You can find many tutorials on the specifics of human bodies like hands, feet, and the head. Just google whatever you want to model and take your time. I would suggest searching for the Adrianna head modeling tutorial. I’ll try to find it later, I forgot to bookmark it long ago when it was new. Good Luck

Do you happen to be speaking of this tutorial?

So if it is, and you use references like this, how can you always find a good one? Or are people able to do it from scratch, no reference?

I tried to use a reference picture once, and it always seemed that the profile and front view did not match up, distorting the face.

I took a look at the tutorial you have linked to, Keeper. I would not recommend that tutorial at all! His edge-loops are pretty bad. You want your mesh to flow with the model, as though it were following the muscle structure underneath.
This face tutorial will get you important information on how to set up your mesh and how edge loops work. There is a gif for the nose on the page that is supposed to be animated but isn’t, you can see the animated version here.

Keeper, you’ve found Adrianna, but not the Adrianna tutorial. I think it’s been taken down. It used to be linked from the Blender Artists’ community pages, but the site has changed and I can’t find the tutorial anymore. So, try Jonathan Williamson’s Montage Studio tutorials, or his modeling the female body DVD.

3dsk does professional photography for CG modeling, you can get a lot with a one month subscription and a high speed connection. It’s hard to find front and side photographs that match without some tweaking in a 2d image manipulation program like the Gimp or Photoshop. used to offer free front and side photos, but now they want a link on your website before they’ll give you some free samples. If you’ve got a website, it might be worth a try, their photography isn’t as good as 3dsk, but it’s still pretty good.

I don’t think this is just what you are looking for but it helps just to get a sense of work flow.

this guy works really fast but if you just pay attention to where he is selecting then maybe it will make sense. The basic gist of it is box modeling and it is one way of doing it. I guess there are other ways but this I think is the easiest and most common. Maybe someone else can say something else about that.

I have referenced this site many times for getting familiar with the Blender workspace. maybe you already know this stuff.

I hope this helps

Yes thats the model but Orinoco is correct that’s not the original tutorial.