I decided to try and re-make one of my old models from about 3 years ago, I used it as the basis to go off of. The new model is rendered in cycles, Blender and Substance Painter were used in the creation of the new model.
New Model:
Old Model:
I decided to try and re-make one of my old models from about 3 years ago, I used it as the basis to go off of. The new model is rendered in cycles, Blender and Substance Painter were used in the creation of the new model.
New Model:
The old one is more pleasing to the eyes. The new one looks like a steam punk fishing hook.
I like the new one! The design is very cool, especially the exposed inner workings and the way the circular pieces work with the form, like they are repulsor units for levitating or something =)
There are a couple of problems with it though. First is that the texture resolution is a bit low, or at least the scratches are too big to give the object the right look of scale compared to it’s apparent size. It’s also missing some of the classic sci-fi stuff like glowing engines and windows, things that give detail and make sense to have on a ship. It’s also hard to tell front from back, in your old model you have a cockpit that indicates this, the new one looks like a bigger ship viewed from the back right. Having visible engines would help with this as a cockpit might not work for a ship of this size and design.
Also, some of the edges and faces toward the front are being lit very harshly. It could be the lighting setup or material depending on your exact setup.
But, as I said, it’s a very cool design. It makes me think of a smaller Destiny from Stargate: Universe but with a more steampunk feel =)
Haha steampunk fishing hook you killed it! I like both versions.
Also the old one had visible cocpit, you should leave that.