Model topology issue

So I was working on a model, did some merging, retopology to fix some wrinkle and ridged parts to make it look canny, when it was all I dont I tried to rig the model. But the part I edited stretches ALOT and got no idea why it does this

Anyone know how i can fix this?

Because you didn’t give some more context… this is wild guessing: weight painting… ?? Also the topology seems a little weird (and non-uniform ). Again i guess: knee ?? Witha weird shin ?..

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

I gave all the context there is. After combining the two meshes the areas that were bridged had ridges and wrinkles. Didnt look smooth or natural. I got help told about retopology and it ended up getting all those faces. But the leg stretches whenever I try to move it. I dont want that. It looks unnatural

I dont know what else to say or do to give more context than that

Then this was properly the wrong help … and not here on BA… :person_shrugging:

I cold not even recognize where this is… if this is a knee (???) then it’s simply bad topology…

…so no wonder it stretches. So your “combination” of this may need some better retopoly and also some weight painting (but you didn’t told us anything about that…).

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so what can I do to fix it. I tried removing edges to make it match the squares of the leg and while it improved somewhat it STILL stretched. I dont know if its because of the seams or what. But the weight paint and topology is just difficult. How can I avoid it getting wrinkly and less smooth while also avoiding THAT mess. I dont know how to fix it

Here’s how I’d do it:
Select and dissolve all the edges in the messy area, and with the knife tool connect the squares, across and up.

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ill give that a try

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Generally when someone do not need some unwanted things then someone has to change it.

Here: this is usually the process of modeling… and because it was mentioned you may have to look-up some technical terms… and there is also the Docs-Blender Manual: modeling retropoly…

Well… if you want to archieve some specific look/animation (or anything) there is no other way than learning and doing… or paying for it … like for everything else in this world… :person_shrugging:

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got any suggestions for the seams? when I remove them nothing happens but some of them cause the textures to glitch out.

Why do you need seams for thsi at all ?? You didn’t answer the question about a knee at all so how could someone give any advice ?? For example this seems unnecessary for a knee…

It seems you want an instant solution for your specific problem but for one: it is a general task to solve for every modeler who does 3D models and animation and also: even if there is some “special” problem: to provide a blend file would be even simpler. Anyway:

“Helping” with this single file will not help you in the long run… it’s like:

Give someone a fish, and you feed one for a day. Teach someone to fish, and you feed one for a lifetime.

Everone who wants to do this has to learn it… for specific questions there will proberly specific answers.

So you might type into any search engine: blender good topology for animation or also blender retopology.


why is that always the response I get when I ask questions? I’m not asking for an instant fix (even though that’d be nice) im just asking for there are ways to AVOID a certain outcome.

If this really is

then this might give you a hint about the location of the problem.

And the answer is: you have to learn something about good topology and also have to practice it.
Also you may answer questions about the specific piece; like for example if this is a knee then just say so and do not claim to have given

And simply look at some other topology:

You may think a little about this…

Good luck.

It’s kinda working but kinda not. A bit parts are still stretching. I dunno if there’s a part I missed or what

Have you tried to figure out why? You can’t fix something without understanding what the problem is.

Stretching can be anything from weight painting to bone position or the topology not being optimal for the movement you’re trying to animate.

Attach pics of the wireframe, weightpaint and in which part of the animation it starts stretching.

First step to fixing a problem is narrowing it down.

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this is what i’m seeing. It stretches too much and there’s points and flat parts and doesnt look good at all. It’s too flat in some places, you can see squares. It’s just a disaster.

Hi, i think in your case the best thing will be to start from scratch.


From your captures, it looks like you should go over some basics of poly modeling before going any further. The polygon density should be roughly the same over a given area, with changes in density happening gradually. Ngons (faces with more than 4 edges) and triangles should also be kept to a minimum. Finally you can look up something like “modeling edge flow” to give you an idea what an animation-ready model looks like. Download the snow rig for an excellent example of good practices in terms of character creation.

Cheers !


Hadriscus basically hit the nail on the head with his reply.

Your mesh will deform when you’re animating it so you need topology that deforms well. Your mesh is a disaster :slight_smile:

It would be better to use your old model for reference and then start from scratch like Digitvisions suggested.

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Well, it’s kinda hard to know exactly what your object’s supposed to be, so I may not to be able to suggest the exact topology. Topology cleanup may be required in other areas as well before you even get to the messy spot; ensuring that the topology will be even.

from scratch? how much will I be undoing exactly? The model is almost done I just had to fix the problem with the legs and it would finally be done. If I need to go to the very beginning then screw that. I’ll find a way to salvage it.