Modeled this cat paw using boolean modifier, but is there a better way?

Hello. I modeled this cat paw using solidify modifier and boolean to join all of its parts together, but of course these objects have different topology and it doesn’t go well.

I tried to fix this model by decimate+remesh+subdivision+corrective smoothing mods, but poly count was about 200k and the cat paw topology remained bad after this.

Fixing it 1 vertex by 1 seems cumbersome. And because of this I wondered how more experienced users would do or fix this model (general techniques). I will appretiate any help.

The cat paw without any mods, only shade smooth (eldrich horror material):

Unfortunately, can’t put more than 1 picture in the post, but you’ve got a point.

Hi there,
I am not experienced as hell on this and struggle with topology difference problems quite a lot as well. But I think your take on using remesh+decimating afterwards is not that bad. Maybe give another try on this, like so

And, if a joined mesh with joined topology is not a must, another solution might be to use the bevel shader node in the materials.
Join both objects (ctrl + j) and give it a material like this. Play around with the Bevel Radius

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Usually, for an organic model like this, I would use the retopology workflow. I would start by doing exactly what you did, then I would retopologize the mesh to clean its polygon structure. You could use manual retopology, or an automated tool if you have access to a good one.

An alternative would be a more traditional hand modelling workflow. This isn’t something I would do for a full character, but for just a paw it might work well: Model the topology flat, then move the vertices to give it volume.




If you are a skilled person, convert the boolean object into a mesh and organize it into topology modeling.

Please attach the file.
As you suggested, in order to make it using modifiers, the object works well only when it meets the conditions.

Most of the time, the edges are a problem.


hfh.blend (193.9 KB)

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Thank you for replying. I did a manual retopology for about 1-2 hours after doing steps in the video, because topology was tragically bad from the start. I managed to make it look… fine? So thank you for this video!

Also the tip aside from the video is very useful, I’ll keep it in mind. Tested it and it also worked just fine.

Even managed to do it in 12k polys (even though almost all of them are tris). My Blender doesn’t crush anymore when I edit this model.

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Hi, thank you for your response! Messed around with it works nice with simple objects like this.
I’m tired after 2 hours manual hellish retopology of the paw, so I will use this method in my next models if it will be possible.

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Hi, thank you for the response. No, I don’t consider myself skilled, since I’ve just begun learning 3D modeling. But still your advice is useful and I will try to train to use Boolean mod with other objects. I appreciate that you included the file so I can look through it.

About file uploading: it says that new users can’t upload any files aside from pictures. I’m very careful to paste links to download my file, since I (possibly) can easily be banned for this.

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No worries, you’re in no danger of getting banned :slight_smile: if you browse the forum for some time and read some other posts, your upload privileges will update automatically

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