Modeling 3D lattice structure (3D printing)

Hi all

Is anybody aware of an east to teach method to create / modem a 3D lattice inside a volume like a shoe sole for example ?

Here is an example

I saw some videos with using a volume using a 3D fracture to create the structure inside but it seems rather complex

I am curious if maybe with geometry nodes there is a way to simply fill the space easier


You have seen this ??:

yeah I know it but this is more chaotic and quite labor intensive

I am looking more for something like this

check this out:

the volume cube could be bigger and be boolean intersected with a shoe sole model

(forgot to post this: :cold_sweat: yesterday)
Hmm yes rereading your questions and rethinking about it i not quite remembered where i saw some fractureing “the easy way”… and it was only yesterday or the day before (probably more like 3 days ago or maybe even a week… :sweat_smile: ) … so while is was searching in my memory (pretty much nothing here in this empty head) and the internet (pretty much not what i was looking for) i finnaly remembered…
it was DefaultCubes aka CGMatters video about Procedural Cell Fracture Blender Geometry Nodes…
… it thought about using the “invers volume” of this voronoi texture controled volume… but this is only applyable ontot a Volume Cube (?) or maybe some has to make a volume out of the wanted mesh…

On the other hand if you are not searching for a scientific way of finding such structures based on force distribution (or do you?) this is somekind of decimating or remeshing but not only on the surface but the volume of an object… so this may even not help you but i played a little…

Using the bevel and wireframe modifier and extruding in place (to double the mesh; but connected within) with additionally extrude along normals.

Of course geometry nodes could be helpfull… filling the inner part with … rotated onto one tip cubes in you example following the outline of the geometry but not overlapping…and filling the connections… (but i gues that’s exactly waht you are looking for)

But i’m starting to babble here… :sleepy: and something else

Today: reading the check this post… (and noticing id didn’t send my post :sweat_smile: )

Playing around today… i’m a little surprised because my ideas from yester day seems to work… now…

(Ups… the partly hidden node is a Mesh to Volume… i think i need more coffee…)

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