Modeling a 'brick' ball

Hi All,

What seemed so simple got me stuck…

Does someone has a good idea to model a ball like this? Its not as simple to UV texture the ball because the brick elements needs to be seperate objects.

I tried to subdivide a sphere and then select the vertices of one element. I duplicated it then but then I dont get a closed circle.

Any help apreciated


You can try this workaround :

Add an UV Sphere, pres F6 to set it to 16 Segments (default being on 32) and 16 Rings (it’s default i think)

Then in Edit Mode, in face selection mode, select 4 faces :

Press E (for extrude) and type (instead of moving it manually) 0.02

Select the 4 faces next to it

Press E and type 0.02

Select the 4 faces that are over the ones you worked on
Press E and type 0.02

Continue in this kind of wall brick pattern and you should end (set the model to Smooth and add an Edge Split modifier) with something roughly like this :

With this “shape” as guideline, you should be able to rebuild the bricks manually into your project.

That’s certainly where the bmesh code will come in handy when it will be implemented.

Here is one way to make the brick ball:

A: Create rings of right height stacked at the brick proportion over sphere form. I colored each ring so that you can see it.
B: From side view scale each ring to fit the sphere form outline.
C: Extrude / Scale in upper and lower edge. Bridge the gap created, to create the volume. Cut them up to make brick section.

add a particule system select grid and object with a cube and voila should give a nice cube /ball!

given last week don’t remember what it was

but heavy on blender !

Thanks RickyBlender, Your method might also be useful for making pixel art!

This might also be a situation where “all does not actually need to be as it appears.”

For example, even though you (say…) superimpose a brick texture upon a sphere and then subsequently give the plausible impression that “any one of” those “bricks” could slide in-and-out, only you, as the designer, ultimately know how many of them actually will do so during the show.

A brick-texture mapped with UV-coordinates ought to be the cat’s meow for the overall visual appearance of the sphere.

Only for those segments that actually will slide, you can easily build geometry inside the sphere, and then accomplish the slide by means of a shape-key. (Very carefully loop-cut the opening to coincide with the mapped texture, then extrude toward the middle. And if, as in the pre-viz, it’s a side-angle shot … so much the better.)

For all the rest, “fuhgeddaboudit.” No sense implementing anything that you’re not actually going to use in the show. Only build a trap-door where you actually intend to put a white rabbit.

like Robsole told,
create your sphere with the line-borders
and then you can (if not already extruded,
extrude the faces, but dont move them)

select the edges (the red one in the screenshot)
and set shift-E to 1. (= sharp edges),
then use “normal” or “local” (or was it gimbal)
to move the extruded faces along this axis …

the screenshot shows both axis-moves …


Thanks everybody for your solutions.

I think i go for a combination of Robsoie, Ridix and Test-dr!

Thanks, Twan

On the graphic level you can do this and that. But technically if you have a 3D brick ball, this is the kind of brick section you need to have: