Modeling a Logo Concept


I’ve created a rough logo design that I want to model in 3D with Blender.
I continuously fail at creating the spiral part of it. I’ve tried tracing it and using curves, but I never seem to get it just right. Any advice?

You can easily create spirals using Screw tool.

  1. Create a mesh with only two vertices lying on X axis for example, connected with an edge.
  2. Move the mesh slyghtly away from the 3d cursor (to the left for example).
  3. Use Screw tool with given steps and turns parameter values.
  4. Go to face edit mode and switch to individual centers scaling mode.
  5. Select all faces and scale them slightly down.
    You should get the result below.
    Of course there are scripts for creating different spirals. You may want to check the Script catalogue


Thanks a lot Syziph!

Be Careful, it looks an awful lot like the old Lightwave logo and it might still be under copyright. Although I don’t know if you can copyright a spiral :).

old Lightwave logo

It looks even more like the Create channels logo (PBS).