Modeling Female Head after retopology?

This is my first WIP for a female model, and i need some re-assurance that i’m going with the correct process. So after i did the retopology over the base sculpt the ear specifically needs polishing up.
Do I still do this on my base sculpt or on the new retopo mesh?

And people get such amazing and clean models, is this all just from sculpting it and just going
ham on the smooth brush?

Please show an close up of the ear with wires visible for further inspection.
I think you might have made a mistake with your retopo, so you’ll need to fix that retopo-mesh.
If you need to change the general shape of the ear more dramatically, you need to do it on the sculpt, then retopo the ear again.

Your retopo-ed mesh is ready to use with the multires modifier. Stop everything and watch a few multi res videos. It allows you to continue sculpting and keep your levels of detail separate, eventually at like a level 4 or 5 you can sculpt fine details like pores.

Thanks for the reply! Here are some shots of it - i hope i covered the points of interest.
And yes if i should correct/define or re-do the ear i will get on it, but knowing what is the problem or
how to approach it is such a time saver and huge help.

ps. forgot about the matcap view sorry i added last 2 in matcap :man_facepalming:

Yes that was one of the confusing things to me - when to start sculpting with the multi res.
I was unsure if it would be the correct way, or should i fix the sculpt if it was the problem.

Thanks for helping out! - and also i added a image of the ear in the previous reply.


Oh with multi-resolution modifier it cleans it up dramatically.

But i have few questions, since im going to use the head for facial rigging
• do i fill the holes before multiresolution sculpting?
• do i keep the basic retopo mesh for multires bake?

And sorry if this is all like “pls hold my hand” while i do this xD

Yous really should have your topology finalized before you start with the multires, so yes you should extrude the inner nostrils and eye sockets inward a couple times. It is possible to add geometry after you start, but you can wind up with problems, that require a lot of sculpt smoothing.

make sure you have mirrored sculpting enabled (under symmetry)(at the beginning at least) and usually you want the ‘preview’ level to be the same as the sculpting level (during sculpting anyways) if the levels start to get high (you normally won’t go higher than 5, 6 maybe) you can turn down the preview level.

When you bake using mulrires you are baking from a high multires level to a lower level (or just the mesh) but there is only one object in this bake workflow. At this point your original dyntopo sculpt object is done being worked on, and can be hidden or deleted.