now I posted this a few hours ago upon discovering that my posts wont show with links and what not I am re posting it hoping it will show this time(VERY frustrating Btw moderators)…
This is the second time Ive tried to model a head. My references that I used I screwed up setting up properly which gave me some trouble but I think i got around that okay for the most part.I say for the most part because this is supposed to be a head of a female model and I’m not too sure if it looks quite like one…
A couple crits: The corners of the eyes need to come in a bit, and the corners of the mouth need to come in a bit. This is a very common mistake, to make the corners of the mouth flush with the rest of the face, but really, they are like dimples.
Thanks for the reply, a few more changes really did help. What would you suggest I do to make it look more feminine though(or does it already)?
Edited: changed link
I’ve lowered the eyes and top of the head, made the lips a bit smaller, rounded out the face more, made it a bit more smooth…looking better I would say
Alright so I’m pretty satisfied with the model. So before I move on to textureing there any last words comments on anything that could maybe be changed on the model?
to make it look more female, make the cheek bones fuller, and make the fullness extend down further toward the mouth. Also you could move the position of the mouth up slightly.