Modeling incredibly stylized hair?

I’m trying to model the character shown in the bottom right of this screenshot but I’m stuck on the back hair… Would I just use a bunch of bezier curves?? If so how do I merge them to be all smooth? Sorry if the character design is too weird to figure out how to model idk I’m kind of a beginner and I thought he’d be easy enough to model

Hello @batterbunny and welcome to blenderartists !

That’s kind of challenging to adapt in 3D, you can merge them with some remesh,
It’s also possible (but difficult) to make real hairs.
Having some shape like you did in modeling could work with some NPR / Line Art rendering.

My guess is that it’s separated mesh like you did, but the shading make them look like they’re joined.

It will also work with realistic rendering to some extend :

Anyway, using the same method as you did is a good start before going further, then you should look into what kind of rendering style you’re aiming, and adapt accordingly.

Thank you! Very informative, I appreciate it :]

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Here is what I assume is basically every one’s first introduction to the style of hair you are aiming for, and Dikko has a tutorial as well.

Just search “hair curves blender” on youtube and you’ll see a variety of tutorials.