Modeling logos based on Vector Graphics

I’ve got Photoshop CS and Illustrator CS.
I have tried to import .ai .svg and .eps files, but none work. .svg and .eps give python errors and .ai pretends it works, but I don’t see any changes in my scene.

Am I supposed to do something after importing it to view the object?

The object might be very big and very far away. At least that’s how my ai imports always turn out. Try zooming out, or going back to the object mode, press center new, then shift S, selection to cursor to bring it to the cursor position. Skey to resize. Also, my ai imports comes out disjointed or misconnected at places. But it’s better than nothing. I guess…

I realized that I had done all of the coloring in photoshop using the Color Fill layer filter, which when ported to Adobe Illustrator got saved as style sheets, or something like that.

I finally removed the filters and filled the layers themselves with color instead, and now all is well. (Although it was disjointed enough for me to try to recreate it in blender.)

I look forward to better vector import utilities, but since I’m not helping to develop, I won’t complain. Still a great product!

Any tips on placing a bitmap in the background so I can “trace”?

View > Background Image > Use Background image. Very easy, manual explains what it does. Can be set per-view.

You should read the docs :

yep does not work for me neither, i have CS 2, export/save as every file format i could, still does not work into blender…

very very very sad, i push my dev team to work with blender for a gaming project…

now im asking if we still can be professionnals with blender.

no? what do u think???

very very very very very sad.

Working on macosx 10.4 blender 2.37
Working on XP pro blender 2.37

where is the point to have ai eps svg import if it does not work???
how can you do 3D without importing real and correct design from illustrator or freehand???

some will answer, just import a model sheet and restart from the begining into blender.

THIS IS USELESS. im a professionnal, i need professionnals tools. I need solutions.

I know what you mean but every time I start to moan I remind myself of the brilliant developers that provide this for free. Its an excellent product but there is always bits that you wish worked better (or even just worked!!!)

My constant beef is wanting to model with real dimensions and Ive just had to accept that I cant in blender…

Blender still rules!!!

I get the same thing with AI from Freehand, Fireworks, Photoshop.
Always scaled huge and offset from the centre so that it looks like you only have a single point imported.

A quick zoomzoomzoom out and then scale it down and it’s sorted.

Extrude, glass texture, yafray - one crappy logo that clients love with a total modelling and render time of about 2.5 minutes :slight_smile:


do these programs export in AI compatible with Illustrator 3.0/3.2 (not just 3.0) ?

A “real” professional reads the documentation to use correctly the tools .

Checked fireworks and freehand mx.

I was using, file, export Illustrator 7 in both.
Freehand had the options for illustrator 8 but I found in blender, as in 3ds Max, that illustrator 7 format seems to be the one that imports with the least quirks.

Then from blender just file, import, paths. the vectors are nearly always offscreen though and it takes a good bit of zoming out to spot them and thn scale down and postition at 0,0,0.


I did a test with Expression3.3, the file was exported in Illustrator 3.0 AI format but was not read by the script . Reloaded in Illustrator 10 et exported again in illustrator 3.0/3.2, it gives quite acceptable results .

The script was improved . You can test it at this adresse :