Modeling technique

I’m a new Blender user. I’m just getting started and have a lot more to learn.
I wanted to ask a question:
I want to model a table that is hollow- frame like.
I don’t know how to slice an object to make it look like what I want.
I want something similar to this:
Maybe there’s a way to cut through a cube to get such a shape?
Please help me.

Cutting through a cube does’nt sound like a good idea to me, because the boolean operations rarely give good results on Blender. (Unless they improved it while I wasn’t looking ^^. It often creates unwanted diagonal edges etc.)
I would rather extrude a plane (and make some faces by hand)

Here’s an example (on the right is my “base” plane, as you can see, it’s as enough faces so that the “legs” of the table can be extruded from it).

Hope it helps.

The simplest way of achieving this is probably using arrays:

Attachment #1

I started off with a cube. Extrude one face along the X axis and another along the Y axis. I then deleted the four faces not needed in the final arrayed object.

Attachment #2

In the edit panel, add an array modifier. Enable Merge. Copy the modifier, and in the second modifier change the Relative Offset value.

Attachment #3

Here is the final frame. I assume it is what you were asking for. You might have to apply the modifiers to model the table further.

/ Mats



I had a play with your idea and its a neat solution

Create a cube that is the thickness of one of the legs. Add 3 arrays x,y,z so you end up with a giant cube of cubes

apply all modifiers

in edit mode select the verts you want to delete ie the spaces

this will leave you with the shape you want but tons of verts

in side view select the verts in the legs between the underside of the top and above the bottom brace bar (not including them!)
scale, z 0 then remove doubles. repeat the same kind of thing for the front view and top views to reduce you meshs faces.

That was fun!

(Ive you want a tut let me know)

I didn’t exactly understand how to do it and I can view the pictures.
More information will help.

i am new to blender my self
but i have created your table
with all parts of it
i hope i did help you some how

i used no special technique
just duplicating (shift+D) and moving rotating all using the ctrl key

for make each part look separate i would use a different material
this is what i think
may be a better tip from the experts :slight_smile:


table.blend (226 KB)

(Ive you want a tut let me know)
yes please!! :slight_smile:

shacoshe, yours works too

Ive made a pdf tutorial - not sure how good it is…


denshidan .
i like what you did :slight_smile:

Thanks Denshidan.

Some things are not clear to me. In the third image you show two blocks of verts selected. Did you then delete them? Because if so, how do you avoid ending up with a coffee table made of folded sheet metal?

Also, in the two last blender images, what are you showing there?

Thanks a lot!
Although I don’t understand one thing:
What are arrays and how do you add/use them?
Sorry if it’s a stupid question, but I’m new to Blender.

here is a something to show what’s possible:

and a little intro video tutorial:

and the wiki entry on array modifier

good luck!


not quite sure what you mean. Because of the arrayed objects each one has its own verts and deleting the areas as shown leaves solid objects - see image. Dont select merge option in arrays


ok i get it now…i didn’t pick up in your first description that the arrays should have a large count! now it makes sense:)

btw how did you do that cool render of the glass table…i’ve tried everything i can think of!