A realtime very old and dirty gameboy nintendo I guess.
- Modeling (Subd, LP, & UV) is done in Blender
- Lighting and Render is also done in Blender Eevee.
- Texturing is done in Substance Painter.
I also used the ACES workflow for this, instead of sRGB. Because UE took so long to load, sometimes exceeding my laptop’s memory capacity EVEN with a startup project scene, so I created some kind of a pseudo-UE environment in Blender.
So, the way I do it is by watching this tutorial:
BUT, instead of setting the colorspace to “Role matte paint” like in the tutorial for Albedo texture, I set it to “rec 709 display”. Because that’s what apparently UE are using for their colorspace. All the data texture (roughness, normal, metalness, etc.) can be set with “role data” colorspace just like in tutorial.
The workflow works well for me. The blender and substance painter and UE viewport match well.
This is the comparison of the viewport using HDRI lighting. (UE photo is a bit blurry, sorry. My laptop cannot handle a really high res render on UE.) For Painter, I enabled ACES color profile to match the viewport to UE. Also, The lighting intensity is not consistent in UE, because for some reason using HDRI in UE is very bright, so I had to manually adjust it.
Anyway that’s all. Thank you for reading this post and hopefully it will help all blender artist who want to use a lite-UE in blender
P.S. some differences might occur due to the differences of lighting & shading system in blender and UE.