Modeling with Subdivision Surfaces

How should the control mesh be designed to model an object like the one pictured below using subdivision surfaces?

i don’t think subsurf would be the best method to model that. It would be alot easier just to make a curve, then extrude and bevel it a bit.

Indeed that is precisely how I modeled the object shown in that image. Unfortunately a cylindrical object must attach to the bottom of it - off center as well - and appear to “blend in,” i.e., there must be a smooth transition between the the two objects.

Convert the curve to a mesh with Alt-C (maybe twice) and attach the cylinder afterwards. Don’t use subsurf, try to modell precise.

im not sure if this will work, it depends on how the subsurf handles it. You could create the shape you have as a curve, insert a bezier circle in the middle of the curve and it will cut it out. Then convert it to a mesh (don’t bevel, subsurf should round it off and the extra verts makes it harder to change) You should have a mesh in the shape you want, with a circle cut out through the middle. You can close it on the side you don’t want, then extrude the side you do. When you subsurf it, it shouldn’t have any seams.

I haven’t actually tested this, and it may not work at all, but it’s a suggestion.

i think subsurfs is an easier and more controlable way to model that
heres what u do:

-create circle with 20 points
-face the circle with quads
-select all verts in side view
-extrude it down a tiny tiny bit
-extrude it again to the thickness u want
-and another tiny tiny extrusion down
-in top view, use B key to select the top two vertices, so itll select all the verts below it too…
-extrude them up a tiny bit
-extrude them again to the length u want
-then extrude one more time a tiny bit
-press subsurf 1 or 2, and theres your beveled object =)

*itll be more precise if you use more vertices in your original circle
*with subsurfs, the closer lines of vertices are together, the smaller the bevel, so edit the “tiny” extrusions depending on how much bevel u want

  • for even more preciseness and a better flatter top, before u face the circle, extrude it once, and size it in just a bit… thatll help for perfect bevel, and perfect flat top

Another method - non subsurf:

Convert your current object to a mesh. Create cylinder. Join and use a union procedure. Enter edit mode. Select the vertices around the hard edge joint area, subdivide twice or so, then hit the smooth button until the joint is smooth like a donkey’s behind. Done.

To all who replied, thank you for doing so. I think that I will try all of the methods given and see which turns out the best.