Up until now I’ve been doing hard surface modelling, however now I need a blob for a project. It doesn’t matter right now what it looks like (as far as blobs go) I just have no Idea about how to even start. I was messing around with lots of spheres and having them all parented to a main section and animating them like they are pulsating but it looked stupid.
How is the best way to go about this?
I will need some parts forming into tenticles also…
If I were to animate this, would soft bodies help to make it organic in behavior. Basically it’s about half a mile high and its going to belly flop some mountains
I would use softbodies, but on a meshdeform cage rather than directly on the creature. Look into rigging with the Mesh Deform modifier if you’ve never used it before. It’s very nice for getting soft deformations on an organic surface. Basically you create a secondary “cage” mesh that completely encloses your critter, rig that with a regular armature and whatever other techniques you like for rigging (some shape keys would probably help here too, especially if you want really weird motions like stretching pseudopods). The blob itself is then linked to the cage, and the cage rather than the bones deform your creature. Then you can use softbody simulation on parts of the cage, and those motions will be smoothly carried over to the creature.
I’d also recommend a lot of segmented b-bones in your armature. I keep pointing people to this rig for tails, but I’ve used it for lovecraftian tentacles more than for tails, so you might consider doing likewise yourself. TentacleRigDemo.blend (446 KB)