I’ve never tried creating a golf ball before. but i guess, its better to use an icosphere then a Sphere… Add a bevel modifier & Select Only Vertices option. It gives something which looks like a Golf ball. Give it a Try. Add another bevel modifier (Deselect Vertices) with 3 segements. Adjust width to evenly scale.
Blender has a wonderful operator called “Select Similar” (shift+G) which has different selection types depending on your selection mode. Don’t forget to also check its options after you use it.
Ah, well… i was waiting for AO too long i guess… And Bevel tool did not work on verts again since i just can’t remember this 3- finger-thing… Ctrl-SHIFT-B… SHIFT… Thanks, Sanctuary!
It’s a part of the addon contrib folder that is never included for some reason on the “stable” Blender release.
You can download a buildbot version of Blender, take the folder named “addons contrib” from it
(located in …\blender-whateverversion\2.72\scripts\addons_contrib )
and move that folder in your blender 2.72, there :
This way the addon will appear (if you enable “Testing” in the Addon panel of the File -> User preference window)
Oh, I find it easier to F6, especially when working with a tablet. Less mileage for controller arm. Not sure if one way or the other could really be considered an idiosyncrasy, though