sto creando una stanza con degli oggetti e sono bloccata in alcuni punti, mi potreste aiutarmi a uscirne? Ho fatto diverse prove e cercato online ma non ne esco.
Per creare un vaso, ho creato un piano, ruotato su x 90°, scalato e l’ho modificato fino ad ottenere questa geometria, poi applicando lo screw su y diventa così, per metterlo in globale ho fatto apply all transforms, però premendo su z diventa dritto.
Mi sembra sia un problema di origine, ma quando applico e faccio apply all transforms mi si sballa tutto.
Ho questa ciabatta, ho creato un cubo e scalato, poi ho creato un cilindro e l’ho scalato.
Poi hoselezionato il cubo, fatto apply all transforms, messo il modificatore Boolean e selezionato i cilindri come oggetto, però non mi fa la differenza come dovrebbe, perché?
You may have switched accidently into youe mother tongue ? Because older post show that you do speak engish too ?? Anyway… with some help:
Good morning
I’m creating a room with objects and I’m stuck in some places, could you help me get out of it? I’ve done several tests and searched online but I don’t get out of it.
To create a vase, I created a plane, rotated on x 90 °, scaled and I modified it until I got this geometry, then applying the screw on y becomes like this, to put it in global I did apply all transforms, but pressing on z becomes straight.
It seems to me to be a problem of origin, but when I apply and apply all transforms I get high everything.
I have this slipper, I made a cube and climbed it, then I made a cylinder and scaled it.
Then I selected the cube, applied all transforms, put the Boolean modifier and selected the cylinders as an object, but it does not make me the difference as it should, why?
Your first image seems tobe fine… why do switch to Z ?? Also it’s better to apply all transformation before using any modifiers…
Maybe youR difference object (fori ciabatta) is set to shadw view and not wireframe so you see no differnece ??
And thank you: i learnt that ciabatta could also be some muliple socket outlet or some flip-flops or slippers… so next time if someone says: the bread taste like some old shoe i can say of course it is ciabatta …