Modelling Jam 01 - Iconic Movie Car - Join in

Looking good; I think, however, you are doing detail too early. But if your method works for you, then I’ll shut up. :slight_smile:

Just messing around with making the tumbler’s back wheel. Unfortunately I can’t get it to look exactly like the original without putting in an absurd amount of time. Anyone have any good wheel materials?


Applied sub-surf and added petrol tank access. The extruded areas for front and rear bumpers are partially hidden so will be able to consider deleting hidden geometry.

Corrected some smaller errors before applying sub-surf as well as moving where 5 and 6 point poles were placed.

More renders and a wire in my Christine thread - posted to wrong one by accident.

How does one set up this type of render? and how can you make the wireframe visible?

Update on Delorean

I think any good workshop needs tutorials. I even might make some tutorials if I get motivated enough. At the very least, I think we should start a list of links to free tutorials about this subject.

@macktruck6666 if you look at the second post you will find links to 2 tutorials. i never watched it myself so i dunno if its any good, but blender cookie has a car modeling tutorial as well:

Also i have a tutorial on the initial set up of reference images on youtube or vimeo.
I am sure if you do a google search you can find plenty more.

Also wanted to say hi to Tyrant Monkey, wish i could join in but i got too many other unfinished projects, and TrueDeath took the delorean already :wink: Y’all have fun now!

Looks good, a little dense in the middle hood area, but I think that’s your style of modeling?!

@Writer’s Block
Very cool, nothing to crit yet :slight_smile:

After some very annoying start hurdles with not finding any blueprints of the '73 El Camino what so ever and messing with creating my own blueprints from references I started over new and this is my progress so far:


An easy way is view-port render: the camera icon at the bottom of the 3d window, click it when in edit mode; there is also an add-on that sets up Wire Frame renders.


Nice clean lines - nothing to crit yet.

It would have been good to have you taking part

@chop_suey good start man

@macktruck6666 I took up the first two posts and I think I added two tutorials in the second one if you want me to add anything else just pm me. But to really learn its not about following tutorials. a tutorial will be helpful if you are making the same car that is in the tutorial. For this you just have to plunge in and go for it. I would also suggest that you post wip shots as you go along to get help and assistance.

I should start posting more from Tuesday. I recorded about a minute of time-lapse video. I think I need about 5 minutes or so per video but I will only be able to upload standard def video.

Like DDD, I wish I had the time (not to mention energy ;)) to join…I’m still fighting with my Audi A5, and I’ve got 2-3 other on-going projects to take care of, but one thing’s for sure, I’ll be watching this thread closely! :smiley:

Plodding along.

This isn’t aligned properly. TIps on how to align appreciated.

Ooops, I must have overlooked those tutorials you posted. I agree, many tutorials show how to only model one car. I think a presentation about the different techniques in modelling a car would be more useful to new users.

For instance, in a good car tutorial, i think these would be good topics:

  • When modelling a car, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the following techniques: Box modelling (starting with a box and cutting the box to add detail) or poly by poly modelling?
  • While comparing different cars, where are good places for faceloops. (i.e. faceloops around the mud guards)
  • Similarly, how does the shape of car affect the placement of the topology of the mesh.
  • When modelling a tire, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using an array modifier with an object offset vs an array modifier with a curve modifier.
  • How does having bad topology affect the render? (bad topology can ruin the materials reflection even though the surface seems okay.)

I think a video discussion about these and other relevant subjects would be a good idea.

I remember the good tutorials on modelling a human face. They not only showed you how to model a specific human face, but told you common traits between faces. Although cars have many different shapes, I think that focusing on traits that they all have in common can help.

I know I can Google most of this, but I think a workshop is the perfect time to condense this information and really contribute to make it easier for the blender community.

Not sure what you mean by this, if you mean the verts that are central for the mirror, then select em all, and with mirror on and merge verts tics, drag them on the x axis: g to grab, x to constrain on the x axis (For info: shift x to constrain on axis other than x)

@Writers Block

Trying to align model with perspective pics. I parented the image plane to the camera and aligned by eye. I’m thinking adding a pivot point empty parent to camera, to keep focus on the subject might be the key I hadn’t grasped, then I only have to rotate setup and slightly tweak the offset.

Thanks for the tip on the mirror axis too… I’m always accidentally moving them.

I’ve been working on the interior; still a connected mesh atm, and have been using the mesh from prior to applying the sub-surf.

Once I’m happy with the shape, I’ll be separating the interior; That will allow some remodelling and a reduction in geometry.

Yes parts of the interior door/side panels are a little uneven - it’s intended.

Around the dash to do now; not sure if I’ll be doing everything, but likely.

There is some artistic licence in the design as accurate and easily discernible images are hard to come by.

Edit: additional interior image in my Christine thread.

I seem to remember a tutorial on how to set up reference images; may have been DDD, or Tyrant Monkey. Can’t find it atm.

LOL Check out post #67 by, DDD, he provides a link.


One tutorial I like is from cgcookie, where Jonathan Williamson is modeling a Concept Car ->

Good thing is he explains a lot and especially gives advice how to do things right (topology, modeling techniques, etc.).

Some progress…


Sigh, you guys make me laugh… and yes, “Also i have a tutorial on the initial set up of reference images on youtube or vimeo.”

Nice to hear. :smiley: