Need models to test my WIP retopology add-on that’s being developed.
If you guys can provide models for testing, I will post results. Thanks.
Look on the site of instant meshes, the is a list of model, like that you can compare with your results.
That is quite awesome, thanks for sharing. May I ask if it is custom code, or are you porting existing tools? Either way, good luck with it, really cool/useful.
Thanks, didnt know they had models
Thanks! and Its custom code. I use Retopoflow, but once I saw Instant Align mesh, I decided to recreate the concept in Blender for faster and dynamic retopology.
can you share the addon…i wouldn’t mind testing it on my models
it would be cool if we could use curves or grease pencils to help the addon identify user defined edge loops i.e. like the zremesher tool in zbrush and its creasecurve tool…
This is awsome…
With instant meshes it is really hard to get good results with “text” from blender, especially in planar faces and the edges of the text. Have you tried your addon with text?
SO Awesome, I was hoping someone might do it in Blender. I’ve just run though my HD looking for a High Res model (that I am allowed to share) and I don’t have anything unfortunately - how about some sculpts from Blendswap?
I would be able to test and share images once you are ready for beta testing etc. though.
That looks pretty much like what the Remesh modifier does.
The problem are the holes. When importing CAD geometry such as these objects you want to slightly round the edges and corners for visualisation purposes. This is usually done by beveling or a subdivision surface modifier. Unfortunately the resulting topo is not suited for both of these processes.
It does make it easier to create a retopo by hand but most of the times CAD objects are so complex and numerous that you´d need some sort of one button solution.
here you have one model with three elements, head, eyes and theets.
Looking forward to test that addon
Alberto: Keep in mind, that “meshlab” is also open source/GPLv2, and while it’s no where near as easy to use as Instant Field Aligned Meshes, there is a lot of code there at your disposal, maybe you can find something use-ful in it.
Albertofx, man that test looks super impressive!!!
Check your PM for some test dummies
Seems this is a more sophisticated and advanced project than the grid fill tool Campbell is working on, if I’m not mistaken. This could rival Zbrush’s remesher.
is this the same as instant fiel alignment remesher or is this something else ?
Neeeeeeeeeet & groooooovy
Z Remesher in Blender! ^^ would totally donate for this ^^
I agree here, after using Convert: Curve/text to mesh, the result is terrible for applying modifiers. So many triangles and bad fills.
Oh yeah thats what I’m talking about!