Modern Bedroom

Hi guys

I decided to give my texturing of my Mars Laser Cannon a break (till the new year), and play with cycles. I thought a nice modern bedroom would be a suitable candidate for this. I used the below picture as i start. Now i know there are a few things that need to be improved but this is a WIP. Comments would be greatly appreciated.

This is what i have doneso far.

is the second pic yours ?
or both are your renders?
well the first one is amazing (which i doubt is not yours, is a ref pic)
and the second one is well needs more help but it’s good
i will try to crit the second pic
well the pillows look fake to me
the drawer on the left to look cartoony to me
lighting in the scene is awesome
sorry but that’s all i have got xD

I know there has been no updates on this for a long time this was all due to personal life taking over. I Have to call this complete as i lost the blend files on a HD that crashed!!