Modern Green Wall Bathroom

Hello everyone!

I would like to share with you a sleek and practical design of a small bathroom, with a standout feature: a vibrant living wall! The tiled wall can be customized in either magenta or blue tint, allowing you to choose between a lively, complementary look or a tranquil, harmonious design. Let me know which one you prefer!

Magenta tint:

Blue tint:

A side by side for easier comparison:

Modeled and textured in Blender, rendered with Cycles, post-processing done in Photoshop.

Can’t wait to hear what you think! :smile:
Thanks for stopping by!

Best regards,


It’s such a lovely scene.

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The magenta tint comes across on my screen as giving a nice earthy brown to the scene, which complements the vegetation. In my opinion the blue tint makes everything too green. I’d definitely find the version with the magenta the more relaxing environment.


For me, the one on the left is more appealing. It looks warmer and more inviting

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Thank you! I’m really glad you liked it! :smile:

Thank you for such detailed feedback, much appreciated!

Thanks for feedback, I really appreciate it! Interesting, it seems the magenta tint is the preferred one so far! :slight_smile:

left one’s my favourite too. Good job on this one!

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Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed! :smile:

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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That’s amazing, thank you Bart! Have the most wonderful weekend too! :grinning:

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Beautiful work on the lighting and overall composition! It’s modern and yet so warm! :clap:

I love the suspended lights in front of the green wall, they look great!

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The first image looks better and similar to reality. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Really good looking and attractive :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! Hearing that means a lot since a lot of effort was put in making the lights and the overall positioning of elements look exactly right!

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Thank you! I haven’t expected that most people would lean towards the purple one as much!

Thanks! I am really glad you enjoyed the artwork, I truly appreciate it! :smile:

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Wow, this is incredible! The details are spot on, from the tiles to the lighting and everything! It feels so real, cozy and inviting! Amazing job! :sparkles:

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I really appreciate your kind words! Creating that cozy, inviting vibe was definitely the goal, so I’m thrilled you feel that way. Thanks a bunch for your encouragement!

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