Modifier List 1.7.5

@immaterious, see opening post:

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There’s a bug in Blender 2.90 which causes this (link is in the post before yours). I hope they can fix it before the release. Blender 2.91 doesn’t have this bug.

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@Robob3ar @ViAdvena

The bug has been fixed, so Modifier List should work again in the next Blender 2.90 build.


It works! Cheers!

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There seems to be a bug, or a limitation to the Gizmo menu, the values in the menu cannot be reset to 0 by pressing backspace when hovering over them (in 2.83.0):

Thanks for the report but I have no control over that. It seems to be a limitation or a bug in Blender that affects popovers.

I’m having a problem since I updated my blender to 2.90. When the addon is enabled, it won’t show me the modifier’s properties :frowning: Do you know what can I do?

Hi! I know this is more of an issue within Blender, but I was wondering why isn’t it possible to shrink the modifier list’s height to less than 5 items? I’d love to shrink it down to 3-items-high at least (or even just a single item). Right now there’s a big chunk of empty space after the first modifier and then come the properties and it’s like a visual “bumper”.

Edit: I just noticed that on other Blender lists it has to do with the lateral buttons corresponding to the lists, but it seems the Modifier List shouldn’t be affected by this limitation

It works for me. Are you using the official release? There was a bug in the daily builds a while ago but it got fixed before the release.

The default min number of rows for a list UI element is 5. But it’s possible to change that, so I can change that in the future.

Cool, thanks! It’s a minor annoyance only, but fi it can be solved, it would be fantastic :grin:

Just saw 2.90 introduced modifier stacks drag’n’order, do you think it would be feasible to implement dragging for quick arranging in your addon? I thought it’s convenient, but vanilla modifier list is rather very basic in features, so I’m still keeping your addon enabled :+1:


It would be good but it’s not possibe.

Yes, the official one. I tried reinstalling it but still didn’t work :frowning:

Can you post the error that’s in the console?

For me (not beta, alpha, daily build etc. it’s official):

Download the latest version. :slight_smile:


Ah, yes, I don’t try the new version. :slight_smile: Maybe it will works, thanks.

Can’t install this in 2.90

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Just loaded this into 2.91. I’ve only used it for about a day but already I can see the benefits. Really well thought out design. Thanks for sharing

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