Modling/Rigging Problem.

I’ve been trying to overcome a wall on a project for a about the last 48 hours or more racking my brain over how to achieve the goal that I’ve set. And need some help figuring this out. I’ll admit right now there is a lot more learning I need when it comes to rigging and modeling for it. I have a bit of knowledge on it but I’m not efficient or extremely knowledgeable. But I assumed choosing a minecraft rig would give me a challenge while not being to easy. But achievable.
The picture below is of a well known minecraft animation called ‘Fallen Kingdom’ that was done by someone on youtube using Maya. I was using this as my goal of animation achievement being fairly certain that Blender could achieve this. I was able to rig the eyes, mouth (really basic, working on more advanced stuff now.), Intermediate Body setup, ext. But what really got me was the fingers and elbows. How he was able to keep them square when he bent them. I watch some of his behind the scene stuff and he mentioned using morph targets. I later found that to be shape keys in blender. But I still got funny deformations while trying to animate this way. If there’s any ideas about how to do this without the deformations or tutorials that would be great.

*I think I got a way to do it. But it wouldn’t be very smooth animation. It consists of jumping to the desired location using shape keys in about 2 frames and some blur. But again not smooth and jerky motion.


You could have the fingers as separate objects and use Ctrl+P / Set Parent to Bone (as the attached blend). Or use weight painting to give 100% weight of the finger vertices to the bone and zero weight to everything else

Thanks for the suggestions Richard Marklew. I’m going to work on your idea some more. :slight_smile: But I think that I’m going to try and rig some shape keys to some bones and see how that works out. I’ll let you know how it comes out when I figure it out. I’m still open to suggestions.

you could TRY “preserve volume” in the armature modifiers settings, this COULD help a little. although if your weight painting isn’t just right, it could make a mess

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I said I would post when I figured it out. Which I did. I was able to achieve what I wanted using Shapekeys that worked in conjunction with bones using drivers. I didn’t know how to use drivers before so I learned a lot about them. So here’s the finished result. I won’t be posting the blend file on blendswap or anything since I’ll be using it in the future.