Modo to Blender Simple Key Config

Life’s kind of taken me in a different direction away from 3D, but one of these guys might be able to help you as they are actual Devs and I think had similar functionality:

@David_Still No worries. Thank you for the suggestions and response!

+1 … I’m on the previous version but Modo keyconfig is what keeps me afloat. Can’t imagine using Blender without it.

@Steve_White Have you found a solution for the select trough issue in 3.2?

Using BorderOcclusion addon fixes the issue.
I changed it to work with middle mouse button. And changed the Crtl and Shift buttons to work like in MODO:

No, something was changed in 3.2 that interferes with the operation.
As far as border occlusion goes, the problem I have with it is that once you release the MMB, it should turn X-ray off but it does not. You have to right click to turn off X-ray.

Yea that’s my issue as well haha.

Here is another semi solution:

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Hi all,
Was just wondering if anyone got this working on Blender 3.2 ? I know its an old post and it is useful for me as a beginner for blender coming from modo and maya.

Or if anyone has as PY file for this for the keybind import would be a great help !

Thanks in advanced

Sitrine, its solved in the post that cuda linked to above. You just have to replace the code segment in the Select thrrough lasso script.

Thank you very much for your help ! I didnt realize it worked for 3.2. Thank you again !