I think that’s just how the circle select tool works in Blender, I don’t think there’s a way to change it. So yes, it’s normal.
Blender doesn’t seem to have a hotkey for that, because you can rotate out of the other perspectives, unlike the hard lock in that you get in Modo. I substituted it with the Focus on Selected thingy as I figured that was about as close as I could find and could still be useful.
It should still be working? I’m not having any issues on my end, make sure you have the Select_Through_Lasso is installed in your Blender Verison\scripts\startup folder, which it sounds like the Viewport Pie Menu script is working, so that should be the same install location? Don’t know why it wouldn’t be working.
I know the addon Ketkit from @Kiellog adds some Modo like scripts and functionality into Blender, including buttons/scripts that will do what you’re asking with switching into edit mode automatically. You can bind those to the 1,2,3,4 keys respectively if you want.
The default key for that in Blender is Ctrl and + or - on the Numberpad. You can rebound those if you want, but I fear you may be getting into a can of worms with juggling keybinding around to compensate.
Well that sucks That means paint select is useless unless I accidentally hit the pivot. So strange that Select circle works like that…
Sorry, my bad. English is my second language. It says “Middle mouse select through lassos”. I understood “Middle mouse cycle through selection types”. It works fine. I just became jaded with all the info and parallel topics I cover on how to convert B. closer to Modo.
Looking into kekit, but I’m not sure I need most of it now. Would it be too much hassle to explain how to bind several keys to do several things?
For instace Tab is going to edit mode
If I press 3 I would need it to enter edit mode and start the polygon select option.
I’ll experiment with that, looks simple enough. Thanks.
I find for object mode that you can still shift+click to select objects without hitting the pivot, so if it’s only a couple objects on screen it’s easy enough to select them. And if there’s a bunch, at that point I just use the lasso select on Middle Mouse.
Yeah, I think I basically got rid of that button. Because I had disabled the box selection tool, circle select is now the shift+dragging, the lasso is middle mouse, and spacebar is the default simple mouse select.
In theory, it should be as simple as just right clicking on the Kekit button for going into the respective edit and object modes, and assigning it to the 1-4 keys. Although I don’t think there’s an easy way to undo it, so like backup your config if you have started to make personal changes, or be prepared to reinstall it if you don’t like the kekit thing/it doesn’t work the way you want. Also you will have to make sure that Kekit is always installed when you are using your keymap because it’ll be dependent on those kekit scripts. (Shouldn’t be an issue unless you are reinstalling windows or moving to a new PC lol)
I would like to say thank you David, because it’s really useful config for Modo-Blender people. The selection modes is mostly like in Modo. With it it’s much easier in Blender.
What do you think of this: to be able to select multiple polys/edges/points/objects without holding shift, isn’t it better to switch into “Select circle” mode instead of Tweak mode after pressing spacebar?
If I understand it correctly, it can be changed either in 1 or 2 column?:
I think for the space bar binding, I just right clicked on the tool icon in the viewport, and assigned it to space bar. You’ll have to do this with both object and edit mode at least.
I don’t think I’d recommend it tho, there are some nuances between how the circle select tool selects vs just the simple mouse cursor of the tweak tool. I find it’s more in line with Modo’s clicking compared to the circle select.
And I’m not quite sure what you mean by not being able to use the default Tweak tool? I thought that was just the simple clicking tool that spacebar is bound too, but if you are talking about being able to drag stuff around in the viewport without pressing G or using the move tool, then I did disable that part because it was super frustrating to accidentally drag stuff around without activating a tool first like in Modo.
Hmm… Ok, I haven’t much experience in Blender, so I probably leave it as is by now.
Yes, I’m talking about this tool: . It isn’t just for simple clicking. It works much like Modo’s ElementMove tool. In conjunction with Proportional editing(in Blender) it’s a very good way for fast tweaking geometry - you don’t have to select anything before move it. It’s must have tool for organic modeling.
Okay cool, I didn’t realize it did that! I might be able to change spacebar to the box select tool instead of the tweak tool, as that’s also been disabled already.
It might be a little while, but I’ll look into it and see if I can figure it out.
Circle select wouldn’t be a good idea because it is very limited for selecting objects. It works only if you accidentally hit the origin of the object = next to useless. Also, Modo’s default behavior isn’t element tool ;/ This tweak option in Blender is awesome but I guess, what I’m saying is, there should be a better of way using it (like pressing T in Modo)
You right. And besides it, I’ve noticed that while circle select is active, we can’t activate short path selection (ctrl+LMB). And diagonal selection (ctrl+shift+LMB) works through time.
Agree, it would be better to assign Tweek tool for a separated key. However I’m not sure how to tweak this tool - in one way it works like selection tool, in other like moving tool.
I have a feeling that just reassigning hotkeys isn’t enough to solve these problems. Probably some deep coding from the side of developers could help…
Ok, gentlemen. I’ve been searching the issue for several hours and that’s what I’ve found:
We can achieve 100% the same behavior for LMB like in Modo!!! Without drawbacks mentioned above.
This isn’t my solution, the author is Kjell Emanuelsson and I’m extremely grateful to him for this!
Regarding the default Tweak tool. This isn’t the tweaking/moving tool at all, it’s just a name for the “container”. We can put there whenever we want. So, in default config it uses the standard “transform.translate” command with “Confirm on Release” checkbox On.
So, I think the best solution is creating new “container” and assigning it for a shortcut. It would be great if I knew ho to do it…
Duplicating is a mess in Blender. Is there a way to set up Modo-like widget move tool when doing translation after duplicating the mesh? It currently sticks out of Modo-like config because it uses that axisless weird move that needs you to blindly hit x/y/z to tell it where to move.
The closest I can get is after duplicating an object, you rightclick to reset it’s position back to where you duplicated it from, and then just drag the move handle like normal.
Ah, so it can’t be changed as an addition to Blender Simple Key Config (I could save for later), or automated to go to right click/widget after doing duplication.
I guess you could make a “simple” script that duplicated, right clicked, and activated the move tool all at once. I’m just personally hesitant to deviate too far from Blender’s defaults. There are going to be differences between the two programs, it won’t be a perfect transfer unfortunately.
Actually there is an add-on I bought that does that… It has so many functionalities that I managed to forget about that one Blender needs a lot of customizing to get near Modo unfortunately
@David_Still looks like the lasso function broke in the newest Blender (3.2), any chance for a fix? Thank you! I am happy to make another donation as well if possible.