Monster Hunter World Model, Automatic Weights not working! Please Help!

I need help, my Nergigante Dragon has been rigged, the final step, automatic weights is not working : ( !! I’m new to Blender, I am creating this project so I can pose and 3D print my dragon. Help will be very appreciated!!!

Hiya Jason,

Could you provide more details? We can’t help you if you don’t show us anything. It would be helpful if you could post some pictures or screenshots. If you can, show the model in weight painting mode. Thanks!

~ Para

I edited my post, I tried uploading the file itself along with more pictures, but new users can’t post files nor upload multiple photos in one post. yea, I made this account just to ask people for help : ) . I got blender only a few days ago and I’m still very much new to the program and I’m obvious to how it works! Thank you for your help Paragon! I don’t know how weight painting works, as of now the model is all blue, and when I paint it red and try to pose it, the mesh doesn’t follow the bones. I heard Automatic Weighting is the way to go, but it doesn’t work for me. I watched numerous videos on how to resolve it, but I never managed to.

Also if it helps or you would like, I could email you my blender file! :smile:

Hey Jason,

Thanks for details! Could you make sure that all the non-IK bones in your rig have deform enabled? Just to clarify, you are selecting the mesh first, followed by selecting the armature, and then using Ctrl+P to parent, correct? If you could, is it possible to show the modifier stack? If nothing else works, feel free to post the .blend file (though it’s more rewarding to figure things out on your own).

P.S. If you want to get out of the “new user” limitations, all you need to do is post or reply 10 times. :smiley:

~ Para

Hi Jason,

although you just want to position it to make a 3D-print, I think you will have to do some work to get experience with Blender before. I don’t really think there is an easy way to get this done, except for asking someone with experience to do it.
To get started I would suggest you do some tutorials about working with blender e.g. create a simple 3D-character and then rig it and weight-paint it. This should give you a basic knowledge about this topic and maybe helps to figure out where your problems are.

In case you want to go this way there are some nice tutorials from Sebastian Lague in his youtube-chanel about modeling, rigging etc.

If you like to try again on your dragon, there is a pretty good tutorial from Grant Abbitt about weight-painting, check it out:

Hope I could help you, greetings

Nergigante Model Pose.blend (9.0 MB)

I posted my model file! I spent a lot of time trying to dissect what was wrong, hopefully you can help me! You can take a look, it’s a reply to my original post

Thank you for your input! I’m trying to get into blender, it seems like a really cool skill to have! I will watch the channel and video you mentioned.

Hey Jason,

I downloaded your .blend-file and fiddled around a little. When I was trying to parent the armature to the mesh I noticed the error-message on top of blender. It says “bone heat weighting failed to find solution for one or more bones”. I then quickly googled and find the solution for this problem, just add a Subdivision Surface-modifier and the parenting with automatic weights will work just like Para told.
At this point you will be left with a kind of strange posed dragon since the armature is a little weird positioned but I think you can fix this easy, if you get some problems with the positioning of the bones, Sebastians youtube-chanel got a viedo about rigging so you can look it upo there.


Woo boy, there’s a lot to focus on here! I’ll try to take a look at your model and see what I can do.

P.S. The automatic weights worked for me. I’m not really sure why you and Tobles received errors. I’ll have to investigate further.
~ Para

Hiya Jason,

Ask and you shall receive! :smiley:

Nergigante_FIXED.blend (7.0 MB)

I kind of did a rushed job with the skinning, since I was focusing on the rig. If you need help or anything else, feel free to ask!

~ Para

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