Monty Python fan motion poster design

I worked on a personal project for a poster of the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
This is the final result:

I decided to develop an iceberg concept for the mood board visualization, and I liked the result.

I developed the project around the chalice and chose to use a glass shader for the distortion effect on the poster’s background text. The central concept is based on the rabbit from the movie and the praxinoscope effect to achieve a frame-by-frame animation of static figures.

I was inspired by posters for the typographic creation of the title and used Goudy typefaces in Medieval and Old styles.

Some frames of motion.

Finally, in post-production, I edited the frame speed in some parts of the animation to achieve the desired effects of the running rabbits.

Gold shader

3D modeling and Lookdev in Blender.
Rendering in Cycles.
Image processing in Lightroom.
Moodboard layout in Photoshop.
Grapic Design in Illustrator.
Video editing in Blender.
Frame speed post-processing in CapCut.

Diovani Cadore :sunny:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks Bart! I’m happy with this! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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