Morden Prince


man, is that a man or a girl, ?

i like the style, the hair , looks really hard to do,
and that look
great work

Nice one! Somehow, it has some kind of a Monkey Island vibe to it. :slight_smile:

One thing I noticed: The current title is “Morden Prince”. I guess that’s a typo - btw. “morden” means “to murder” in German. : )

Referring to Bob Seger, I’m pretty sure, it is a man. :wink:


oh yeah :slight_smile:

You’re #featured :tada:

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Cool hair!!! Cool shaders!

:slightly_smiling_face: I agree with you about that.

What crash did that wel shaved monkey survive?
He must have been flying over some razor blades to get a nice clean shave, then he got caught by a vice that reshaped his ears. The whole shebang took place in front of a mirror, he was so happy with the new looks and that he survived it, so he glowed up and ended statisfied.

Seriously, good work i like it, but as you have noticed, the ears…i dunno i think they are a misfit.

Fantastic character, I like it.