More Light Confusion

Why is my Sun not working how i think it shoud?
Got a cave scene, the cave is basically a rough “L” shape. When i point a Sun at it, the characters/buildings light, but not the cave floor etc:

when i rotate the Sun away, it lights the floor

Floor normals etc are correct, i.e. facing at the camera.


Try to increase its power and/or angle, or switch from Sun to a Spot light, it’ll give you a cone so that you will understand where your spot light should be going.

U could also add an area light in order to light your floor, since your floar has a rectangle view, it will be preferably to use an area light for this.

The sun should definitely be lighting the floor. If you add an area light, or any other kind of light, do you have the same problem?

Maybe it’s something in the material? This is the kind of stuff that could happen with an incorrect normal map (such as forgetting to set a normal map to non-color or having a normal map of the wrong type).

probably something wrong with light spots as I see it in the screenshots.