More questions about fluid simulation

This is a test scene.
I need to create a leak from a tank. I have not been very successful yet. Can’t get the right settings. You can see current settings on screenshots.


  1. Height of the tank is about 6.5 meters but the fluid looks as though the tank’s height is about 6.5 centimeters. Is it possible to decrease the scale of the fluid? I mean particles of which it consists of.

2.As you can see the fluid goes through the landscape even though the surface has a chosen obstacle type. Why? How can this be solved? Current resolution of the fluid domain is 400.

  1. There is also fluid which did not go through landscape but is hanging in the air instead of remaining on the surface. Why? And how can I solve this?


There is not really sufficient info supplied to give any specific answers. Always attach or add a link to your blend file so others can see your scene, then someone may want to give recommended changes.

Sorry, here is the blend file


flood test.blend (1.33 MB)

I have made a few tweaks to your scene. Sometimes when the fluid sim is not working correctly just throw away the domain and create a new one, that is what I did. On top of that there were a few design flaws as well. You landscape had the normals pointing towards the interior. Starting off with a fluid volume in a container is kind of a bad way to go. I converted it to an inflow and placed it near the hole in the tank. You can animate the Enabled property to turn off the inflow when you feel the outputted water equals the imaginary amount that the tank would contain. Also for the landscape to work, you have to place the entire landscape inside the domain. This means you have to make the domain bigger which increase bake time.


flood test.blend (950 KB)

Thanks a lot! That solved 2 problems, but what about Q1? How to decrease size of particles?

And is it possible to assign some force to this fliud so it could brake a pole for example?