1/14: Would it be possible or, if so, at all practical to make a braid with the particle hair or should it just be modeled like a solid object and then given a hair-looking texture?
1/13: When I use the comb function on the hair, I notice that if I use it a lot and keep dragging down on the hair, trying to get it straight, the hair on the top of the head disappears inside and goes through the head, rather than treating the object as solid. How do I make the hair unable to go through the object it’s on?
Would it be possible or, if so, at all practical to make a braid with the particle hair or should it just be modeled like a solid object and then given a hair-looking texture?
I think a mesh would be better, but I might be wrong. But if you want it to stay a braid during physics, use a mesh. I don’t know how you could possibly comb hair to be a braid, but then, I’m a nübe.