Morph targeting

Hello there, I seem to be having a problem with Blender again, I’m trying to create 2 morph targets and a master. I have the master of a dog model, a morph target of the same dog with its mouth open, and a second morph target identical to the master. I then select all three and am supposed to press I and then ‘Blendshape’. The thing is, I do all this, press I and every option is there except ‘Blendshape’. Does anyone know why this is? I have the latest version of Blender and the master mesh differs from the targets in that it has an armature attached to it. Anyone’s help would be much appreciated.



Hmm, sounds like you’re doing a Maya or XSI or possibly a Max tutorial.

Blender’s “morphing” a.k.a, Shape Keys do not work with separate “targets”, though there might be a Python script available to combine the “targets” you have into one mesh.


This Blenderartists thread may be useful to you.

Heh heh , I knew I’d seen it somewhere here before … now marked and saved :smiley:


Thanks for your help :).


I->Mesh to insert shape keys. see