beautiful work !
so the rat and the tea pot is it one object or is it 2 objects that hade there geomatry changed somehow ? cous i cant really tell !
the body looks the same when it changed, but the ears transofrming dosent look like the nose and the handel of the tea pot !
Thank you! There are 3 objects (meshes) here: rat’s body and two ears. Using Shape Keys (Properties - Object Data Properties - Shape Keys) I am animating the transformation. To do that you need to add 2 shape keys to every mesh: Basis and Key 1. Original shape - rat body and ears - is Basis. Now you put Value = 1 to Key 1, enter Edit Mode and adjust the shape of each mesh. This way I shaped vertices of the body into a teapot, one ear - into teapot’s nose and another into the handle.
Let me know, if you have more questions.