Morphing animation using Shape Keys (Harry Potter fanart)

This morphing (Harry Potter fanart) animation is created with the help of Shape Keys that are connected to the mouse rig with drivers.

With the help of the drivers I make grease pencil whiskers and eyes disappear and change the shape and color from mouse to teapot.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Wow, thank you so much! :partying_face:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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beautiful work !
so the rat and the tea pot is it one object or is it 2 objects that hade there geomatry changed somehow ? cous i cant really tell !
the body looks the same when it changed, but the ears transofrming dosent look like the nose and the handel of the tea pot !

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Thank you! I am really excited about it! :partying_face:

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Thank you! There are 3 objects (meshes) here: rat’s body and two ears. Using Shape Keys (Properties - Object Data Properties - Shape Keys) I am animating the transformation. To do that you need to add 2 shape keys to every mesh: Basis and Key 1. Original shape - rat body and ears - is Basis. Now you put Value = 1 to Key 1, enter Edit Mode and adjust the shape of each mesh. This way I shaped vertices of the body into a teapot, one ear - into teapot’s nose and another into the handle.
Let me know, if you have more questions. :slight_smile:


woow !!!
ok this is so simple and great !

i really overthinked this and thought that it was made using geometry nodes or something !
but this sound much fast and easy to do !

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