Mortar and Pestle

Well i started making this and the models are all good but im having texture problems… im a noob, how do you get the texture to be bigger on the object so theres less, bigger marble lines, any other suggestion and info is welcome


Increase the noise size in the texture panel, and if that doesn’t work, you can increase the size in the MapInput Tab (look for SizeX, SizeY and SizeZ).

I’d also look at this tutorial to make a quick “studio” setup that is great for showing off a model like this.

Well i got the texture alot better but anyone have any advice on the ground and world settings???


i updated it just a bit the bases proportions were off so they are all good now :slight_smile:


Do a search for a 3 light setup. I think this scene could benefit from it.

I’d also look at Subsurface Light Scattering to give the marble a little of that translucence that would be visible just at the edges.

ok this scene is basically done its not very good but w/e… Sry for the ground texture i was really just messing around with the procedural textures and decided to leave it…
I applied the Subsurface scattering and did a 3 point light setup hopefully it made it better


Looks good but the marble on the pestle just doesn’t look right to me. Looks like it would need to be more of a wood material than marble you know?

Check up on “Ambient Occlusion”. It’ll help you get nicer results with less knowledge.

Ok i messed around with the marble alot and Wood textures didnt work at all they made it look striped but i messed around with it alot I also have some actual pictures of it Can i possibly make a texture from those pictures?

Sry heres the pics
