Had a few requests for 3D printed marine reptile skulls over the last few months so I’m starting a Mosasaurus.
My orthographic drawing of the M. hoffmannii holotype cranium. Adapted from Street and Caldwell (2017), also reffed Lingham-Soliar (1995) & other misc info thrown in where relevant.
I’ve adapted these views from what are already good drawings in the papers I mentioned. I prefer to this because I like the details in my top and side views to line up, published specimen drawings and photos don’t always account for perspective. That’s not a criticism in any way, those published images are there to show the anatomy, not be a guide for 3D modellers.
Quick lightmap UVs then I can texture paint a rough structure for a base mesh (red lines). More a loose guide really, things come together better when I start putting polys down.
Wasn’t quite satisfied with my original mesh so I made some topology modifications. Hopefully a little better for sculpting with an more grid-like area between nasal openings and tooth line. The odd awkward pinch or pole here & there but mostly at out-of-sight or higher density areas, should be OK for my purposes.
Pretty much there with the sculpting I reckon, been chipping away at it in spare moments.
I’ll leave it alone for a day so I can look at it fresh but pending a few tweaks it’s about ready to 3D-printize.
Made the additional stuff for the 3D print, the jaw hinge (pin & knuckle), jaw stiffener, eye stalks (not shown) and mounting hole.
Got this on order from Shapeways at 1:20 scale, I have to have at least one test print to see if any adjustments are needed. I’ll get a few photos when received.
Got my mosasaurus skull from Shapeways. This particular 3D print is the 1/20th scale version, also doing 1/12th, 1/16th and 1/24th. This isn’t just for the photos, it also doubles as a product test. The hinge parts and jaw stiffeners work but I can make some small improvements, as it is this isn’t far from being ready for sale.
To keep the part count down (multiple parts increases cost), I’ve attached the eye rings to the lower jaw via stumpy sprues. Not sure why I put them on the jaw, for the sale version I’ll just attach them in place to the cranium via a couple of struts.
The eye parts are so small I’m a bit daunted at the prospect of locating and attaching them. I’ve left them in place for now so I don’t lose them. Next I need to get the eye rings attached, paint the model, make and attach a mount and then get a few photos sorted. Maybe get this done later in the week.