I am professional programmer willing to get my hands dirty in Blender plugin development. That is why I would like to ask you: what is the most desired/required functionality which is missing in Blender and probably present in other 3d software? Any clues, hints?
A thing like Cinema 4D’s Mograph module should be a great addition to Blender’s animation tools.
There were some solutions for Blender but they seem clunky or over-complicated…
edge and face/surface constraints for poly modelling. such a basic, helpful addition and longtime standard in 3ds max and now maya that is currently only barely covered with the slide tools.
thank you for all suggestions! One more question: what about tile-based distributed rendering? As far as I know this feature is not finished yet so there is still much to do
My few suggestions:
Finish OpenSubdiv
Finish FBX
Finish DespGraph
Finish anything animation related XD I’d love for realtime editable curves in the viewport, but alas. DespGraph needs to be fixed first I have read.
Call Audacity (or other OS DAW) directly from audio strip, then auto-reimport result. (a bit like Blender can call GIMP for images, but calling Audacity for Audio).
Ideal workflow would be something like:
-Cut Video/Audio in Blender
-Right click on audio strip and select “Edit in Audacity”
-Blender automaticly exports the audio strip in the project directory “audio” subfolder, then pushes it to Audacity
-Once you are finished in Audacity, export over the previous audio file, wich would automaticly update inside the blender VSE timeline