Most unbeliavable hardware issue i had so far

Had an PC with 2 AOC 24" monitors connected, one via HDMI, one via DP.

One monitor via DP stopped working and only displays black screen.
Ok, maybe one monitor gives up for connections via DP so try the second, also with a new cable, the same, via DP it goes black. Windows still recognizing the monitors.
Going trough all the stuff that may slove such things, updates, bios, reinstall gfx driver, reboot unplug power. Nothing works. Make even factory reset cause i thought “sure windows messed something up with the monitor settings, cause it is statisicly impossible both monitors stopped working via DP at the same time”.

Then at last,
did not think this will work cause by factory reseting a monitor via unplug while powered on and power on while pressing key to reset the monitor should do it,
i only used the I/O switch at the backside (not the soft I/O at front) to turn the monitor off and on sloves the problem.

Would like to hear more stories of such kind, please share :slight_smile:

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I had to do that with a monitor here at work. For some reason the monitor needed a cold “reboot” to start working again. They must be putting in some kind of microcontroller into new monitors now that get into a state every now and then.

I bought two DP cables of the same model, and the problem was solved