motion blur??? (still image)

This is my first time in blender for a while, though I still remember what I’m doing, not that I knew much int he first place…

anyways. I had an inspiration for a simple image, but I need motion blur for a few objects. Is there any way to add motion blur in a given direction without scripts, nodes, or complicated particle stuff?

Thanks in advance,

You should try using Vector blur. It only take one node to set it up and gives you are great amount of control over how the blur looks in the final render. The few steps needed to make it work are listed in the wiki here:

thanks! I’ll check that out.

I got vector and motion blur both working, but… neither turn out to be what I need :frowning:
motion blur was the closest thing I could think of for what I want, but it’s not. Can anyone think of something else? What I need really is a “tail”, one that is wherever the object was, with a cutoff point. And it needs to be the shape of the object. I’ve racked my brain and gone through blender but I can’t find anything that will do it to my knowledge.
Thanks in advance, Nate

You’ll have to use particles for that I think.

hmmm… I had dismissed particles right away… I’ll try them though. If you have any particular suggestions on settings I’m all ears. thanks!

if the objects are moving (via an ipo curve) you can just enable MBlur in the Render settings. See wiki Manual / Render Options.

I said I tried that… It didn’t produce the effect I’m looking for :frowning:

How about Directional blur. Here I rendered my Background and the object that I want to blur as separate images. I then used Directional blur to make the blur streaks for the object and then alpha over nodes to duplicate the non-blurred object over the blurred and then to place all of this over the background.

sorry… you lost me. Do you have instructions on how to do that somewhere? I have no clue how to use nodes… I don’t even know what they’re for though I think they’re for special effects or soemthing like that… idk. But I believe your effect is almost what I need. If I do that, can I make the blur streak longer? Can it curve, following a path?

The Node setup is in the image I posted. With the Directional Blur node, you can make the blur longer and give it a curve. But it can only blur in one continuous curve. If you are looking for a wave pattern of streaks behind your object, I think you are back to using particles. Search the Test form for “Light Streaks”. I remember someone else working on this not to long ago and I believe they posted in the test forum.

Wow, I want to be there. How long have you been Blending DichotomyMatt?

@Jennifer: I have only been using Blender since last May. The same time I joined BA. I have spent a lot of time reading the Forums and the Wiki to gain the knowledge I currently have. Now, if I can just gain the skill to make something great with that knowledge. ; )

lol, ya I’ve been reading the manual, jumping over to wiki, then Blender essentials, various tutorials, there is a lot to learn but that is one thing I like about Blender; it’s like one of those games where you keep finding keys tucked away in the wall of a secret cave, or a super power by turning this or that switch on. My hope is like yours in that I’m more than a good student and can use the lessons I learn. We’ll see. Thanks for all your posts and help, I see info from you a lot.