Motion tracking gloves for animations

Hey guys,

I am new and I have a question that really interests me.

Is it possible or are there gloves which you can wear for tracing your movement that you can use it afterwards in an animation.

Like you buy a gun for example air soft gun put your tracing gloves on and reload the magazine and a program makes the animation out of the movement. I think you will need to trace the gun and the magazine too.
But is out there a existing method like this?

Would be happy to see some answers and I hope its not the newbiest question :smiley:

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There sure are:

Also, welcome to BA :slight_smile:

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There is also a gloveless solution called Leap Motion,



I didn’t know about that, that looks awesome! I’d be interested to see some research and see how it stacks up against a more traditional glove based solution

They are not (that) expensive either,

I came across them when vvvv released a node for them, Vj’s were using them, I might just buy one now… I thought theyd gone out of production…

Have you personally used one, then? What was your experience like? How’s the accuracy? I may be investing in one if I can get some more information about how well they work

No, not personally, just aware of that sort of tech as I worked in early VR and then later vjing…

I saw a demo of it playing back someones handwriting I think, looked pretty accurate…

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