Motocross Helmet - LS2 MX437 -

This was a hardsurface practice. I decided to create multiple texture variations (Matte,Neon,America,India), they are posted on artstation - . Substance painter released its path tool recently, making the stitching very hassle free to do. I used mean creases to hold the shape rather than using bevels as previously when I am subdividing the mesh, this way i didn’t get concentrated, unnecessary and complicated geometry as I used to. It was fun and happy with the result.


Wow, that looks great! Love the detailed materials on the strap and liner.

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Damn, that looks great!

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Thank you Tony, I appreciate you saying that.

Thank you very much Sam!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Whoops, I posted the wrong link. Frrrriiday!

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