Move armature?

Hi everybody,

Have my armature connected to mesh through modifier, and when I move the armature in object mode (for splacing it somewhere in a scene), the armature leaves the mesh behind. I have to select both mesh and armature to move it. When using the old CTRL-P parenting, moving the armature will do. Does anybody know how this works?



parent the mesh object to the armature object in addition to the modifier.

Yeah, but what’s the point of using the modifier then?

When you apply the armature as a modifier without parenting then the armature is “lower” in hierarchy to the mesh, but only at the level of a modifier not that of an object . If you want to influence the mesh at the object level you need to parent the armature to the mesh for the armature and the mesh to move together .

Sketchy wrote

parent the mesh object to the armature object in addition to the modifier.

There’s a difference between Object and Armature in Ctrl-P; choosing Object will make a mesh the child of the Armature Object with no connection to or influence from the Bones. Choosing Armature will add an Armature Modifier. Sketchy means Object.


thanx guys