Move multiple objects to median point

is there a way, to move those two objects simultaneously together to the middle (for example along the x-axis towards the median point of the objects)?
What I want to avoid is doing the “Scale -> X” thing, I don’t want to scale them to the middle, I just want to move them simultaneously to the middle.

If there is a way, is it also possible with mesh?


Set Origin / Geometry to Origin


Alternatively use Set Origin / Origin to Geometry and then set the object X location to zero

Nope, that’s not what I ment. :smiley:
I want to move the objects towards the median point, not directly onto it.

It should look like this later:


Nope, that’s not what I ment.
I want to move the objects toward the median point, not directly onto it.

The result should look like this:


Nope, that’s not what I ment.
I want to move the objects toward the median point, not directly onto it.
The result should look like this:


Click the button indicated. Now it wont scale the objects. Just the distance between them. If you really want to see something weird try rotating multiple objects with this selected.


Hey thanks, @Cybermonk! I was wondering how to do this as well. That’s one of the tools I haven’t gotten around to learning about yet.

Nothing happens even though the button is activated.
I can’t move the objects with the “S”-button and I also can’t rotate them.

You will also need to make sure the pivot point is set to “Median Point”, “3D Cursor”, or “Bounding Box Center”.



It works for me. I have two cubes, one at -5 x, the other at +5 x. I have the pivot point set to 3D Cursor with the center point manipulator activated, and the cubes move towards each other when I scale them.

Make sure you toggle the button to the immediate right of the pivot point menu button.



It works for the default project, but not for mine.
I attached my blender file.

pit_hauptgebä (144 KB)

… 10 chars

…10 chars

… 10 chars.

That’s because origins for both objects initially coincide. Select each object and set Origin to Center of Mass or Geometry to scale them by Individual Origins.

Great, it works. Thanks a lot!